• (Den | Lair | Hole | Burrow) In a dream, any hole or den of such mammals means pursuing innovations in one’s religious practices, or being attached to following leaders of such ideas and who will lead people astray.... (Mouse hole)
  • Falling into deep waters and not reaching the bottom of it in a dream means prosperity and wealth, for the world is a deep ocean.... (Deep waters)
  • To dream about an extremely lit sky, without knowing the reason why it is that way, suggests that you’re falling in deep sorrow because you portend a misfortune.... (Light)
  • Walking from a dark place into the light in a dream means receiving guidance, divine acceptance and protection in this world and in the hereafter, and it represents richness after poverty, honor after humiliation, repentance following sin, sight after blindness and the opposite is also true should one see himself walking from light into darkness in a dream.... (Light)
  • Light in a dream also represents a messenger, knowledge, or it could mean accomplishing one’s needs in the light.... (Light)
  • Dreaming of weird light, or if the light goes out, you will be disagreeably surprised by some undertaking resulting in nothing.... (Light)
  • Reveal an aspiration to a higher, more spiritual life or the need to get rid of an anguish we are living in, a release.... (Light, lightness)
  • The nipple of the female breast in a dream represents one’s personal wardrobe, or it could mean marriage.... (Nipple)
  • Dreaming of a worm crawling on your body indicates that someone around you wants to live to your account.... (Worm)
  • The worm is crawling on your body this marks that you are very helpful and generous.... (Worm)
  • If it’s a worm which becomes a butterfly it always portends satisfaction, favorable changes and rising.... (Worm, Caterpillar)
  • Seeing a worm may also mean that you have a very low opinion about a person around you.... (Worm)
  • If the worm appears in any rotten thing it indicates hidden corruption.... (Worm, Caterpillar)
  • Seeing a worm in a dream represents weakness and a difficult season for you.... (Worm)
  • If you see a worm in your dream, this dream denotes person’s frailty and negative emotions.... (Worm)
  • If a sick person or a prisoner sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means that he will become free from his trials.... (Hole)
  • To see oneself outside of such a hole looking at it in a dream means having an argument with one’s spouse that will end in reconciliation.... (Hole)
  • Seeing oneself inside a hole in a dream also means divorce.... (Hole)
  • Falling into a hole and crying for help to no avail in a dream means taking a short trip.... (Hole)
  • Dreaming that you fall into a hole or stumble with one indicates that, despite all the setbacks and difficulties you may be having, you will soon find something that will help you to move forward.... (Hole)
  • Hiding inside a hole in a dream also means appeasement of one’s fears, or ending of one’s adversities.... (Hole)
  • A hole in a dream also represents a poor woman who strives to cover others pitfalls, though she cannot veil her own.... (Hole)
  • (Deception | Plot | Profits | Fall) Digging a hole, a water well, or an irrigation and planning to water the plants with them in a dream means attending one’s needs and serving the interests of his family.... (Hole)
  • But if you suddenly stumble with a hole or you fall into it, you should think that you are the one who is putting obstacles to some progress in your life.... (Hole)
  • If one sees an animal coming out of a hole or a den in a dream, it means that he will utter words that befit the character of such an animal.... (Mouse hole)
  • Dreaming of a hole or simply stumbling with a crack means, despite the problems and difficulties at the time, you should be filled with hope and faith because it will help you move forward.... (Hole)
  • (Boring) Piercing a hole in a dream means deception.... (Piercing a hole)
  • Piercing a hole in a stone in a dream means investigating someone in authority.... (Piercing a hole)
  • It could mean that maybe a new space is opening in your life or you’re trying to get to the bottom of an issue that still you do not see it very clear, especially if in the dream you see yourself digging that hole.... (Hole)
  • Piercing a hole in the wall of a citadel in a dream means being obsessed with virgin girls and desiring to deflower them.... (Piercing a hole)
  • To put a hole in one’s shoe in a dream means facing trouble and adversities.... (Hole)
  • (Also see Den | Mouse hole | Tunnel)... (Hole)
  • (Fryer) In a dream, deep frying signifies evil, adversities, arguments, problems, failing to do one’s prayers, following one’s mind, passion and desires, or backbiting and slandering people.... (Deep frying)
  • (See Deep waters)... (Falling in deep waters)
  • Light in a dream also means Islam, or submission to God Almighty.... (Light)
  • To see a dim light, indicates partial success.... (Light)
  • Seeing light in a dream denotes good deeds, knowledge, the Holy Qur’an, or a righteous son.... (Light)
  • In a dream, light also may mean trials and tribulations.... (Light)
  • Wearing a raiment of light in a dream means receiving knowledge, or it could represent one’s growing devotion.... (Light)
  • Dream of a light that penetrates us and produce pain indicates a sense of discomfort and lack of confidence in ourselves.... (Light)
  • Dream of light always symbolizes knowledge, revelation and clarity.... (Light)
  • For a sailor to see a beacon-light, portends fair seas and a prosperous voyage.... (Beacon-light)
  • If you dream of light, success will attend you.... (Light)
  • (Beam | Gleam | Radiance | Shine) Light in a dream means guidance.... (Light)
  • If one sees light beaming from his body in a dream, it means that he will be gifted with a son who will grow to be a man of great knowledge, spiritual rank, and whose prayers are accepted.... (Light)
  • To dream about light flashes that annoy your view suggests that soon you’ll suffer setbacks and frustrations.... (Light)
  • Light in a dream also represents the sun, the moon, the daylight, sunshine, moonlight, the crescent moon, or the Arabic proper name Shams.... (Light)
  • To dream about a dim light suggests that the issues that are being handled will continue the way they are, without any appreciable change.... (Light)
  • If suddenly the light comes on.... (Lighting, Light)
  • Dream of someone turning on the light indicates you will know things that are hidden.... (Light)
  • Dream of someone turning off the light indicates the opposite.... (Light)
  • If the light gives us a sense of discomfort it’s an evident lack of confidence in ourselves.... (Lighting, Light)
  • Light always symbolizes knowledge, revelation, and clarity.... (Lighting, Light)
  • Being on shipboard to see a clear light in the distance, denotes a sea voyage free from all manner of storms and dangers, and successful beyond expectation.... (Light)
  • Dreaming about a constant light of any kind, and better if its sunlight is a good sign that announces a nearby success.... (Light)
  • If in the midst of darkness a ray or a point of light appears, it indicates that hopes will appear.... (Light)
  • If in the darkness there’s a flicker, a light spot, then that means a hope will appear.... (Lighting, Light)
  • The light announces pleasant news.... (Light up)
  • To dream about a flashing light is a negative sign that announces relative or temporary success.... (Light)
  • Otherwise, it may mean loss of a child or a sister.... (Nipple)
  • If water or milk comes out of it in a dream, it means finding a compatible husband.... (Nipple)
  • This dream is a sign that there are people who use you and your ideas.... (Worm)
  • It may also represent the appearance of intruders or strangers that can create problems in emotional relationships.... (Worm)
  • Worms that appear in dreams within fruit may be talking about hidden corruptions in situations that have a good and proper appearance.... (Worm)
  • You do not trust yourself, you are afraid to show your talents and to express your thoughts freely.... (Worm)
  • Indicates sadness, betrayal and minor squabbles.... (Worm)
  • Symbolizes the transition or rising from a lower to a higher state.... (Worm, Caterpillar)
  • To play at, denotes pleasure, voluptuousness.... (Pigeon Hole (A Game))
  • Ifoneseeshimselfpiercingaholeinapearlin a dream, it means that he will give a valuable commentary on Qur’anic interpretations.... (Piercing a hole in a pearl)
  • If while hiding, one finds food, or fresh water, or a cloth to cover himself in the dream, it means profiting from sources one does not anticipate, or making peace with an opponent.... (Hole)
  • Eating from the dirt one piles from digging in his dream represents a swagger, or someone who acquires money through deception.... (Hole)
  • Digging an underground tunnel to reach the inside of a house in a dream means trying to court a woman, exerting an irresistible influence on her, then luring her to deceive her.... (Piercing a hole)
  • Digging an underground tunnel in a city in a dream means searching for someone.... (Piercing a hole)
  • Piercing in a dream also means spying, pursuing someone’s tracks, desecrating one’s earnings by bringing unlawful money into them, or it could mean deterioration in the conduct of one’s children.... (Piercing a hole)
  • It indicates risk for your reputation.... (Hole)
  • If you want see the bottom from the edge, your situation will improve.... (Hole)
  • To fall into one, disappointed expectations.... (Hole)
  • If you fall to the bottom, you will have great difficulties.... (Hole)
  • (See Daniel | Nose ring)... (Piercing a hole in a pearl)
  • (Also see Tunnel)... (Piercing a hole)
  • A den in a dream also represents the element of charcoal.... (Mouse hole)
  • A sudden fall into water in a dream also means joy and money.... (Deep waters)
  • (Also see Frying)... (Deep frying)
  • To dream about children that are standing under an intense moonlight is a warning that you should control your thoughts and actions to avoid making serious mistakes.... (Light)
  • To dream about very lit snakes is a warning that dangerous enemies are awaiting an opportunity to harm you.... (Light)
  • To dream about exaggerated lit faces suggests that anything that you’ve thought to do will be made secretly.... (Light)
  • See a great number of lights, denotes profit, recompense.... (Light)
  • To dream of lights is very good.... (Light)
  • If it goes out, the opposite is true.... (Lighting, Light)
  • Business will gain new impetus.... (Beacon-light)
  • It denotes riches and honour.... (Light)
  • If there is good lighting in our dreams that indicates confidence in ourselves.... (Lighting, Light)
  • Dream of a good lighting indicates self-confidence.... (Light)
  • To the sick, speedy recovery and continued health.... (Beacon-light)
  • For persons in distress, warm attachments and unbroken, will arise among the young.... (Beacon-light)
  • To see it go out in time of storm or distress, indicates reverses at the time when you thought Fortune was deciding in your favor.... (Beacon-light)
  • Feelings of inferiority.... (Lighting, Light)
  • Fire one off, triumph for the moment.... (Fusee (Light Musket))
  • (Also see Earth | Lantern)... (Light)
  • In a dream, it means one’s sons or daughters.... (Jewel light of the father’s eyes)
  • Fire means marital happiness, serenity.... (Light up)
  • A candle means threat of disease.... (Light up)
  • that means we will know things that were hidden.... (Lighting, Light)
  • Load one, disappointment ambition.... (Fusee (Light Musket))
  • Thus, whatever he ask, God Almighty will grant.... (Light)
  • Buy or find: happiness, good omen, peace at home, good marriage.... (Living room)
  • If one enters a tunnel or a burrow and cannot see light at the end of it, or if a traveller digs a hole, enters it and can longer see the skies or the stars above him in the dream, it means that thieves will rob him from his luggage, or that he will be high- jacked, or stopped by a band of highway robbers.... (Tunnel)
  • If a prisoner sees the gates of his jail open, or if there is a hole in the wall, or a ray of light, or if the ceiling of one’s prison disappears and he can see the skies and stars above him, or if he can see them through the walls of his cell in a dream, it means that he will escape from jail.... (Prison)
  • Falling into a deep sea or a deep river but not reaching the bottom of it in the dream means wealth and prosperity, for the world in a dream represents a deep ocean.... (Water)
  • All those dreams that we see wrapped in a gray mist belong to the deep layers of the unconscious and reveal everything that refuses to come to light and which are our fears and anxieties.... (Grey)
  • An omen of radical and deep change in your living conditions.... (Exile, Immigration)
  • If we dream that we are victims of an approach it means that within ourselves there is a deep longing for a deep change and we are not able to carry it out due to our present life not reflecting our real ambitions.... (Board, Boarding)
  • Pressing olives for their oil in a dream means relief from burdens or overcoming adversities, or it could represent true scholars, satisfying one’s carnal desires, engaging in wrongdoing, receiving guidance, seeing the light, walking away from darkness into light, or it could represent one’s earnings or benefits.... (Extracting oils from seeds)
  • Living in the shadow of a mountain in a dream means earning one’s livelihood from such a person and living happily there.... (Mountain)
  • (An organism living on another | Children | Insects | Parasites | Silkworm) In a dream, worms represent daughters or children living under their father.... (Worms)
  • If one sees a living person beating a deceased person who is willingly submitting to his fate in a dream, it represents the spiritual and religious strength and the rank of the living person, his charities, prayers, devotion, piety, or it could mean that he is fulfilling the deceased person’s will.... (Death)
  • Dreaming of climbing to an attic suggests the habit of living of certain illusions, theories, always living far away from practical, objective, functional or realistic situations.... (Attic)
  • Seeing oneself performing a pilgrimage in a dream also means circumambulating God’s house in Mecca, developing a good character, living a straight and a worthy life, safety from fear, repayment of one’s debts, delivering entrusted merchandise to their rightful owners or money to its people on demand, being trustworthy, living an ascetic life, fulfilling a promise, atonement for one’s sins, distributing expiatory gifts or interceding on behalf of a trustworthy and a noble Imam.... (Circumambulation)
  • Seeing a turtle living in a dump, then it represents a knowledgeable person living in the midst of ignorant people who care little about learning anything from him.... (Turtle)
  • The nipple of the female breast in a dream represents one’s personal wardrobe.... (Breast)
  • (Also see Earth- worm)... (Worms)
  • If one finds it cold to sit in the shade in his dream, then if he seeks to sit under the sun to worm himself up, it means that his poverty will be dispelled, for cold in a dream also means poverty.... (Shade)
  • If one sees a bird diving to the ground to pick a pebble, a paper, or a worm, then if he soars away from a house that hosts a sick person in a dream, it means that the sick person will shortly die from his illness.... (Bird)
  • A worm’s cocoon indicates our desire for security.... (Cocoon)
  • (Beetle | Insect | Worm) An insect with pincers that seeks out the human ear to crawl into his body (folk.) In a dream, an earwig represents the enemy of the leaders.... (Earwig)
  • Dreaming with silkworms may mean that you’ll get a very advantageous job, but if the worm is dead, then it’s quite the opposite.... (Silk)
  • Dreaming of sailing on a clear and smooth lake, with happy and congenial companions, you will have much happiness, and wealth will meet your demands.... (Lake)
  • If your face appears smooth, you will enjoy quiet, and your conduct will hot be questioned by your companions.... (Shaving)
  • Seeing him (uwbp) in a dream also signifies the smooth rising of the soul after death for someone who is dying.... (Archangel Gabriel)
  • A smooth, straight highway stands as a symbol and sign for balance, harmony and inner peace in your emotional and spiritual state.... (Highway)
  • If you see a clear, smooth, flowing river in your dream, you will soon succeed to the enjoyment of delightful pleasures, and prosperity will bear flattering promises.... (River)
  • Dreaming of fights is a warning that there will be upcoming difficulties in the family, with friends or at work, which will disrupt the smooth running of work or business that are being handled.... (Fights)
  • Maybe there is a need to smooth over some bumpy spots in a relationship.... (Sandpaper)
  • It means that you need to smooth out your connections.... (Filer)
  • You will be unfortunate in manipulating your affairs to a smooth consistency.... (Adventurer)
  • To see them fly away as you approach, foretells that you will be able to smooth over some scandalous disagreement among your friends, or even appertaining to yourself.... (Buzzard)
  • To sail in a boat or ship on smooth waters is lucky.... (Boat)
  • If you dream of combing your hair, it means that you are going to solve a problem that worries you in a very smooth way.... (Hair)
  • The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place.... (Baseball)
  • Well colored, soft and smooth cheeks announce health and fitness.... (Cheeks)
  • However, when the breeze is smooth and gentle it is interpreted as omen of a prosperous period of time, a happy journey or the recovery of something lost.... (Air)
  • For a woman Dreaming that she has well-formed and smooth knees, predicts she will have many admirers, but none to woo her in wedlock.... (Knee)
  • Consider how the bass was played, if it was smooth and melodiuos sound it represents positive matters.... (Bass)
  • The game is a symbol of smooth and carrying on place.... (Betrayal)
  • We’ll consider if the labor is happy and smooth, which a wonderful omen is.... (Birth, Labor)
  • If you see this pious man in devotional exercises, it forewarns you of smooth flattery and deceit pulling you a willing victim into the meshes of artful bewilderment.... (Abbot)
  • Dreaming of a fine and smooth forehead, denotes that you will be thought well of for your judgment and fair dealings.... (Forehead)
  • Dreaming of seeing your thigh smooth and white, denotes unusual good luck and pleasure.... (Thigh)
  • If you pull your glove off, you will meet with poor success in business or love.... (Gloves)
  • You should pull yourself together and live in actuality.... (Adventurer)
  • Maybe you need to cut off connections with those who try to pull you down.... (Exterminator)
  • Make sure you do not ignore the problems you have, try to pull yourself together and find the solution to these problems, as no one else but you have to solve them.... (Arcade)
  • Dreaming that you pull one of your teeth and lose it, and feeling within your mouth with your tongue for the cavity, and failing to find any, and have a doctor for the same, but to no effect, leaving the whole affair enveloped in mystery, denotes that you are about to enter into some engagement which does not exactly please you, and which you decide to ignore, but will later take it up and secretly prosecute it to your own disquieting satisfaction and under the suspicion of friends.... (Teeth)
  • For some one to pull your beard, denotes that you will run a narrow risk if you do not lose property.... (Beard)
  • Perhaps you must pull yourself together and make the most of your potentiality.... (Handicap)
  • Dreaming that you are stricken with this malady, signifies that you are worrying over trifling affairs while the best of life is slipping past you, and you should pull yourself into shape and engage in profitable work.... (Fever)
  • To dig or pull them up, is a sign that you will extricate yourself from the environment of poverty by throwing off sentiment and pride and meeting the realities of life with a determination to overcome whatever opposition you may meet.... (Stumps)
  • To pull them green from the trees, you will injure your interests by haste and indiscretion.... (Acorn)
  • In a dream to pull out the nails from something means hope of healthy and balanced conditions.... (Nails)
  • If the teeth are decayed and you pull them out, the same, only yourself, is prominent in the case.... (Teeth)
  • To pull them up, denotes that you will improve your opportunities and your fortune thereby.... (Turnips)
  • If one sees his teeth curved and deteriorating, and if one decides that it is better to pull them out in a dream, it means that he will escape from great adversities and dangers.... (Tooth)
  • If you see the accelerator broken or fractured it means that you do not have control in some parts of your life, what you have to do is, to pull yourself together and take that control into your hands to get the results you wanted to get.... (Accelerator)
  • If one attempts to pull out his teeth in a dream, it means that he may spend his money unwillingly, pay a fine, or separate from his parents, thus cutting off his blood ties, or he may become untrue to his relatives.... (Tooth)
  • The dream suggests you to pull yourself together and go for it.... (Inventor)
  • You have to pull yourself together and at least try to do something instead of just planning and thinking about it.... (Begin)
  • You must pull yourself together and do something useful, because the stagnation and laziness will lead you to degradation.... (Sloth)
  • Try to pull yourself together and move on.... (Axle)
  • Make sure you pull yourself together and solve those problems.... (Stalk)
  • On the other hand, the dream might suggest you to pull yourself together and become more serious if you want to achieve something in life.... (Hookah)
  • If you dream of seeing barnacles it shows that you have to pull yourself together and deal with particular situation.... (Barnacles)
  • If we pull out or see someone pulling out, it means that we are trying to get someone out from certain situation.... (Pulling out)
  • To cut one down, or pull it up by the roots, denotes that you will waste your energies and wealth foolishly.... (Trees)
  • Drilling a hole in a pearl in a dream also means having sexual intercourse with a blood relation.... (Pearl)
  • If one sees himself drilling a hole into a rock in a dream, it means that he is searching for something hard to get, though he will be able to reach as far as he reaches through drilling in his dream.... (Rocks)
  • If one sees himself digging a tunnel or a hole for someone else in a dream, it means tricking and deceiving him.... (Tunnel)
  • If one sees himself taking an ablution or a bath inside the tunnel or in the hole in a dream, it means that he will arrest the robbers and recover his property.... (Tunnel)
  • (Also see Piercing a hole)... (Tunnel)
  • If one digs a tunnel and draws water from it or discovers a hole filled with still water inside it in a dream, it means that he earns his livelihood from trickery and deception.... (Tunnel)
  • (Also see Hole)... (Den)
  • Dreaming of a watering hole is a sign of peace and rest, and if we also see horses or other animals quenching their thirst, it’s an indication that we will receive good news, a small inheritance or donation.... (Trough)
  • Dreaming of entering a grave, tomb, pit or hole in the floor means that you’re taking risks because you need to do it, even against your will.... (Tomb)
  • (See Piercing a hole | Pursuit | Tunnel)... (Search)
  • (See Piercing a hole | Tunnel)... (Searching for someone)
  • If he finds a hole in the ship in his dream, it means that he may escape from drowning.... (Ship)
  • A mouse digging a hole in a dream represents a thief.... (Mouse)
  • Making a hole and lying on it indicates heavy losses of money.... (Dunes)
  • Digging a hole, a water well or irrigations and planing to water the plants through them in a dream means looking for a job to earn one’s livelihood and to bring its benefits to his family.... (Digging)
  • Water filling the hole that you dig, denotes that in spite of your most strenuous efforts things will not bend to your will.... (Digging)
  • To dig a hole and find any glittering substance, denotes a favorable turn in fortune | but to dig and open up a vast area of hollow mist, you will be harrassed with real misfortunes and be filled with gloomy forebodings.... (Digging)
  • If one disappears within the earth without going through a hole in his dream, and if he remains a long time therein until people think that he will never come out again in the dream, it means self-deception, arrogance and love for the world, and such a person will die in that pursuit as a consequence of adventuring with his own life.... (Disappearing)
  • If one’s money falls through a hole in the bag or a purse he carries, the bag also represents his body and the money represents his soul, which is an indication of his death.... (Sack)
  • (Needle | Upholsterer’s needle) A sacking needle in a dream represents a woman, because of its threading hole.... (Sacking needle)
  • (See Hole)... (Lair)
  • (Den | Lair | Hole.... (Charcoal)
  • If one sees himself outside a hole, looking at it in a dream, it means an argument with her which will end in reconciliation.... (Digging)
  • Finding oneself inside a hole in a dream means that one may divorce his wife.... (Digging)
  • Discharging feces in the open and covering it with dirt in a dream means burying money in a hole and covering it with dirt.... (Excretion)
  • If a sick person sees himself coming out of a hole in a dream, it means recovering from illness or being set free from prison.... (Digging)
  • (See Daniel | Piercing a hole)... (Exegesis)